Saturday, 3 May 2008

Just Another Day

Finally got some shut eye this morning at bout 8am. I was gonna wait for a few more minutes till Andrew gets back; and I even planned to make him some breakfast! (I found out later that there was nothing that I could make for him cos we ran out of food! Hehe...) I fell asleep instead while lying in bed. Sigh... Was in dreamland for bout 5 hours then got up and have some pizza for lunch with Andrew. And just so you know, I showered before I got into bed k? I'm not that disgusting...

Anyhoos, been in my room all afternoon cos Andrew had to go work at the Wheldon Building (Psychology Department) as a MacLab Assistant. He gets paid bout 7ish pounds per hour! How neat is that? And he gets to work for 6 hours per week *puffs cheeks* All he needs is to work for bout 3 hours and that'll cover up his part of the groceries' bill for the week!

So, while he has been away, I got to spend some time catching up with my friends on MSN. At the same time, I got to delete some of the accounts that I signed up for long ago but hardly ever use them. These include LiveJournal, Yahoo Mail and another Hotmail account. I also took the time to make use of my gmail account. For those of you whom I've added on MSN Messenger with my gmail account, please feel free to delete my current hotmail account from your contacts. However, you may still send me emails to my hotmail account if you wish.

I'd have to say that dinner was good. We had rice with soy sauce chicken and broccoli *yummy* I know it doesn't sound much but it was still good for the two of us =D It was supposed to be my turn to cook but then I got shy cos there were lotsa guys in the kitchen so Andrew had to do the cooking instead. And yes, I do shy away from cooking just cos of that! Got a problem with that? =P But I did do the dishes - sorta!

I don't know what the time is now. Probably 1 or 2am already... Shoot! I need to get some real sleep... Gotta go!

Ta Ta!

Good night and sweet dreams to you all!

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