Wednesday 22 April 2009

Devastated over Deadline

The module choice form is due today and I've just handed it in after my 3pm class. I was shocked when the lecturer told me that the deadline's over cos I thought that we could submit it anytime today by 4pm. And I got really upset when he told me that I might not get the modules that I want. I was on the verge of tears.

Now I'm home in my room and have just checked the school's handbook in my inbox (after Fumi told me that there is an allocated time stated in it). And there it is! IN BOLD LETTERS! This is what is said:

Completed module choice forms must be handed in to the English office (Room 210, 2nd Floor, New Arts Building) on Wednesday 22 April 2009.  In order to ease the pressure on the office please attend at the following times:


Surnames A-H between 9.30 and 10.30


Surnames I-P between 10.30 and 11.30


Surnames Q-Z between 11.30 and 12.30


If you have a class at your assigned time, please hand your form in between 2 and 3.

How can I be so ignorant as to not realise this part of the handbook?! And I know I only have myself to blame for this but I just wish that the lady in the office and the lecturer who was there could have reminded me of it when I was in the office this morning at around 10am...

Nothing else to say for now except tata as I'll be preparing for my 5pm seminar.

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